Mico Sitter for Hire?
If you read my last post (link) you'll know that I've house sitted by uncle's house for the night and it was fun specially the eating part. I took some pictures from the area coz YJ nuna and Minnie nuna want to see the surroundings. NUNAS!! YOU'LL LOVE GRASS!!!.. hahahaha.. XD

This is the house of my uncle. It is not quite done yet though. The house itself is finished but there are some more repairs and twiks twaks needed specially the fences, the gates, some grass and a little bit gardening.
This is what's you'll see at the left side of the house. YOU SEE HOW FAR THE NEIGHBORS ARE?! Actually, in the picture, it looks like the next house is just 20 steps away but actually the white house you're seeing is the house beside the road on the picture. The road is like a parallel road and that white house is on the other street. Gets? (I fail at describing.. =.=) Anyways the real house which is at the same street as my uncle's house is that flesh colored house. It's so tiny but you can see the redish brown roof it has though.. hahahaha.. XD
This is the right side. You see those two houses? That's not our neighbors too. I dont know what street are they though and never been to far from the right side. I always have the weird feeling over there. *shivers ~.~
This is the front. Remember those two houses? They are not neighbors. LOLL I just love the clouds over there though. It looks like you can run around on the grass field and have picnics and play ball games on it but actually you CAN'T! The grass you're seeing is at KNEE HIGH! Who knows what's under that grasses?!
View after the sunset.. ^^
Can you spot a little girl? LOL that's my cousin Chelsea.. LOL She's a little shy though.. hahaha.. XD