I Rock the Cross of Red YO!!

After gabajillion years of absence I think I'm back. I know it's not very surprising seeing me update the blog out of the blue coz I'm not really a type of person who updates blog regularly but I'm trying my hardest to have something to talk to in my blog though.

Anyways, a week had past since I've finished my Red Cross Training and it was definitely worth it man!! If someone will invite me to do it over and over again I will do it again. It's a really fun experiences specially the rescue exercise. It's like a breath of fresh air from our confined discussion of everything inside the classroom. My 6 days training paid off really well when our lecturers gave me an award, well more on a recognition thingy for my excellence in first aid. Hahahaha.. First aid yo!! that is ma shizz!!

They gave me this flower/cross looking pin which sums up looking like a pokemon gym badge.
Gotta catch 'em all!!!! POKEMON!!
THANK YOU VERY MUCH MA'AMS AND SIR!!!! I wasn't really expecting it coz I've missed the first quiz, been late for a couple of times, and really not studying everything up.. hahahahahaha.. XD
Us, waiting to indirectly kiss each other
via dummy coz of our CPR return demo.
Them at our rescue simulation.
I still wonder if I have any pictures during the rescue.. =.=
Class Picture!! Find me and you'll win a price!! $$cashing$$

All in all, it's the most enjoyable seminar/training that I've been to and I want to do it again next time.. hahaha.. and I wont hesitate to be a volunteer of red cross in the near future but as of now.. I need to finish my requirements first in school.. I've been lacking in so many ways and they're already mad at me.. *sigh*

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