Here We Go Again

After a long while, here I am again, back at my blog that I've neglected for 3 years. It'll be a struggle to blog about the things I've experienced for the last 3 years of my life since I entered Med School. All I can say is: it WAS and IS an exciting as well as a very nerve-racking experience. And I'm not even halfway where I wanted my Medical career to be.

So, anyways, what pushed me to do blogging again after a long while?

If you've read my blogs a few years back you'll noticed that I'm not really a person that talks too much. I'm not really a person that shares my thoughts to people aloud. I usually use social media as an outlet of my inner thoughts and struggles, whether it'll be worthwhile to the readers or not. Why do you think I named by blog "Skull and Chest Juice Dump?"
For the past 3 years, I have little time to express whatever things in my mind, especially the emotional build up I get in this stressful Medical Student life. I didn't notice how these emotional blobs (let's call them emotional blobs for the lack of nouns in my head to call them) had piled up inside me and made my life a struggle to live in. It is a drag to live my life during those times, especially the start of my 3rd year.
Charlie is everybody. Everybody is Charlie.
I didn't really feel like myself. It felt like I'm a different individual trying to live the life of Marc. I felt lost. Depressed if you might say. Its like everyday of my life is another struggle, another meaningless void of somethingness that I need to live in.  I felt numb of all the things happening around me, as if I didn't exist. Everything is just a bunch of blurry images passing right in front of me. Everything became pointless. Lutang in short!

Those feelings grew as the days became months, and months became years. Luckily I grew sick of it! I mean, who wouldn't?! I wasn't like this before! I know I don't usually see the world as a rainbow colored, unicorn riding extravaganza but I can cope with things that are happening with my life. I have control! What went wrong?

Apparently everything went wrong because I've stopped doing a tiny part of my daily life before - RANTING ONLINE. It sounds like a joke to some but from what I've noticed from my past posts in twitter, facebook and in here; I ranted about all the stresses that I had and somehow -  I need to find a Related Literature on this - in someway I drove those stresses away. It allowed me to express everything in my head that I usually don't say out loud. It allowed me to vomit all those emotional blobs that are piling up inside my chest.
Bish! This ma' blog!
So, I started regaining my tract on twitter (sorry to those who still follow me there). I started tweeting everyday about how I felt that day, about how tired I am, how annoyingly the subject is taking too long to finish. Hugot pa more! I'm that annoying friend you hate in twitter (Its all better now, I promise). Believer me, I know how you feel. Hahaha. But slowly I felt lighter. The usually gloomy, annoying morning I wake up to started to fade. A brand new day is about to start!!

So.. yeah. That's it. That's the reason why I'm starting to blog again. To let those emotional blob be drained away. Blogging became a therapy for me. Some people might not like it but.. Bish! This ma' blog!! 

And I think If you're feeling the same way, blogging might help you like it helped me especially if you're having a hard time expressing yourself to an actual person or another living creature.


Have a good day!

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