10 Years Ago...

It's almost the end of the year and we all know during this time many teachers want their students to write something about how things gone by this year thing on the informal writing subject. Since I'm waaaayyy pass those times and I know most of you guys too, let's upgrade ourself to a more level up recollection of things from years ago.

Below is a list of things I thing I've done/acquired/thought/ or something 10 years ago. I'm already in my 20 in a half years old and I think it'll be nice to recall things that had happened to me a decade ago.

Let's begin.

  1. 10 years ago I don't even know internet exist. I'm contented with how my life revolves around the T.V. and sleep. I'm the type of pinoy kid who always sits inside the house either watching T.V., playing with dinosaur action figures, or sleeping and ofcourse studying during weekdays and play my ass off outside with friends during weekends.
  2. 10 years ago I got 3 different scars from 3 different parts of my body that'll be in me for the rest of my life unless I got myself a very nice laser treatment from a dermatologist.. ^_^ (if I'll get some more moolah)
  3. 10 years ago I was a very fat kid, not saying that I'm not now but a little fatter than what I am today. (Yey for improvement!!!)
  4. 10 years ago I've taken my major exams without even opening a notebook and miraculously pass all of 'em. Up until now I'm doing that but the difference is I barely pass the exams this time. =.=
  5. 10 years ago my dream is to be a doctor and my dream crashed a year ago when I found out that Pharmacology is an arse that I don't wanna discuss it anymore.. but *sigh* I really need to.
  6. 10 years ago I was a member of this lire band that I was so into it that I forgot I was still an elementary student and needs to study science, math, english and filipino other than musical notes. That leads to my mom kicking me off the band.. :(
  7. 10 years ago the only countries I know are Philippines, America, Spain, Portugal, Japan, India, China, England, and Mexico, and I also thought that the whole of Africa is a country and California is a different country that the U.S.A.
  8. 10 years ago I never know Korea exist, even Kpop but 4 years after I discovered se7en and the rest is history.
  9. 10 years ago I thought it's easy to have a girlfriend because of those teenage TV shows that I've watched because of my cousins but after 3 years I found out that it is much easier to pat a dog's head than to hold a girl's hand.
  10. 10 years ago I've never had a single idea that I'll be meeting people online and making friends with them and wanting to jump outside of my house hoping that I'll be there by their side. *sigh*
I think that'll be that for this year since I can't remember anything more and somehow the rest that I've remembered are the things that shouldn't not be discussed online. I'm pretty stupid during those years though... hahahaha.. XD

Anyways with all those years gone by there's one thing that I could say is true, I know it's cliché but I'll say it. The only constant in this world is change, we may not like it but we couldn't do anything to stop it. Change will happen sooner or later, it can be for the better or for the worst and the only thing you can do is to adapt to this changes in your life so you can still move on. The only thing that can make a man fail is by being constant and monotonous. Be free, life is to short to be just one identity.. ^_^

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