You're Overplayed!!
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cr this-is-the-life2905@devianart |
It's already been a week since I've finished my NLE. MY GAH! It is the mother of all mind twisting exams that I've ever took!! You know the feeling that you've studied that subject for almost 4 years of your life and then they'll give you questions that are out of this world!!?!?! >_< anyways, that's my initial reaction when I received the exam sheet. The result will be out next month or the month after that, PRAY FOR ME PLEASE!!
I'm in the waiting stage of my life, of my judgement. I thought that when I took the boards it will be the end of my agony but unfortunately it is just the start of it. The result of the exams will be out in a month or two so until that time I couldn't ease my mind because I constantly bothered by the thought of the exams.. *sigh* I'm trying to divert my attention to something else, like I've started watching animes of my childhood, like now I'm watching BTx which is from my elementary years in youtube.
Some of my batchmates now are looking for jobs so that while waiting for the result of the exam they can earn money for themselves and make these waiting days productive. While I'm stuck here in our house doing some house chores for my parents. *sigh* You know the feeling that you get when you feel like you dont worth anything?? That's what I'm feeling right now. I feel like I'm just a worthless person in our house since everybody is busy; my sisters are busy with school since all of 'em are still studying, my parents are working: my dad even though he's not yet officially working at his job he's taking charge of our farm, my mom on the other hand help my dad with farming while still doing some house chores since I'm doing a lot of it for them so that I wont look like a worthless being being fed for free. >_<
I really need to find a job, part-time, full-time, I dont care! as long as I have something to do! *sigh* Most of job openings here are call center agents which is not bad really because... IT'S GOOD REALLY! I have friends in that industry and they pretty much surviving now. There are also openings for medical transcriptionist which is good too coz I can apply my medical knowledge in there. Or maybe I'll just be a volunteer in Red Cross so I can help and be useful to somebody while I wait for the results.. hmmmm.. ^__^ I like how I have tons of options in life which I always overlook.. =.=
*Sigh* 'till next time! and I really hope that next time I'll be working or volunteering..
Marc Milan M. Cortez, RN signing off.. LOL <---- 2months more till my RN in my name will be legal!.. hahahaha.. XD so help me God! ^_^