General Clean-up

I'm a pack rat, that's why you'll find a lot of stuff inside my room that is quite ancient. I don't throw stuffs that I can use in the near or far future so I just pile them up in some boxes, on the corner, under the bed, or even under under the bed. I even save those bus tickets from my commutes from my house to my house everyday without any particular reason. I usually produce only one bag of trash every month. But this time I made my super GENERAL CLEANING of my room.

Two days ago, I had my worst allergy attack which lasted until yesterday that I couldn't even go to the opening of class this semester (which I don't really want to even from the start). So I went to the doctor to ask "what the hell is going on with my body again?", she said to me that as usual my allergies are still triggered by some particles gallivanting up in the air and suggested me to have a general clean up of my room and some areas I usually go to. So that's what I did.

I got a little to carried away though, seeing stuffs that I was looking long before my laptop existed has emerged from the ocean called floor of my room, like seriously. Anyways. The first thing that I fixed/cleaned/mobbed is my working table. Before the gen-clean I actually cannot work on the working table because it was covered with a lot of junk from school, practice, bus rides, train rides, movies and everything I do everyday and the junks even reached my chair.
(Stuff in there: CDs/DVDs, Thesis survey forms, portable speaker, 2 headsets, laptop, umbrella, pencil, pens, markers, folders, notebooks, books, earphones, more papers, mouse, shirts, wallet, did I say more papers?) 
That's all the stuffs on my table. I spread them out on my bed so I can see if I can save some stuffs from my hungry trash can. 

The papers scattered around my table was actually papers from my last semester from my previous school, and I filed them up in an old folder so that I can easily find it  when I need something from there. And yup, I'm formerly from La Salle before I transferred to Olivarez.

I even found lots, I mean LOTS of "post-it" notes everywhere! (I'm such a messy dude)and they are not even USED. Like they're popping out from nowhere like daisies!

After cleaning some stuffs, throwing them on the hungry trashcan, saving them from my mother's ever scary claws of "throw them off to the trashcan" I manage to end this up with remarkable results. It's CLEANED! I can see the table again. LOL

Can you imagine with all the trash I've been hiding all those months I only ended up with this amount of trash only?
LOL. This is the last batch that needed to be thrown out of my room. I hid some stuffs that I still need to the never ending void of darkness, in other words - BOXES, around the room and on the room of my sisters.

And after cleaning I just can't get out of my camera's ever powerful power that I took some shots of my room. Here are some shots.

Yup, I listen to music whenever I'm cleaning or whenever I'm doing something. I listen to music a lot of times like I spend almost all day just listening to my iTouch sing.

My mouse looks like an eggshell in some way.. hahaha.. XD

It is a badge given to anyone who donated blood to the Red Cross (I think?). The line means "I belong" or "I'm included". Honestly, I didn't donate my blood. I just got it because I'm part of the medical mission for blood donation.

"The Holy Family". I have a small altar inside my room so I can communicate with God whenever I'm in need coz I'm really am like a room person. I stay on my room like 50% of my stay in the house. It was a gift from a friend.

This is my book shelf which needed a replacement immediately. I'm running out of room for books in here. It's almost full so some big books that I have cannot fit anymore in there. *sad* On the lowed portion is where all my board games at and some shoes that I usually wear during special occasions. The first shelf, the one with the big books, are my major subject books. All are inline with medical stuffs. The second shelf is still for my major subjects and some minors. The top one is almost all my minor subjects and some novels from Bob Ong. The toys you are seeing there are gifts from friends.

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