A year left and still Undecided
credits to: *Aragi@deviantart
" this is not the way that it should end. It's the way it should begin. It's the way it should begin, again "
I just finished my last exam as a third year student of my nursing course. One more school year to go and I'm off to taking that board exam and become a professional nurse. But Although my graduation ceremony is right there at the corner I have this feeling that I need to start a new life, like changing my course because it wasn't really for me?
It wasn't really my choice to be a nurse. In the Philippines your course determines your future economic standard. The more money you have, the safer your family will be, so money is really a top player on ones lives and I'm one of the victim. As the eldest I'm entitled of feeding my family for the future (crappy asian tradition) that's why I need to find a job that's has a sure income. And for them nursing is one because it was so "IN" that time abroad. But now, I don't know and I don't really care though I don't know why.
I wanted to pursue arts before. Anything about arts. From fine arts, architecture to animation but my family don't want me to take those course because "they are concern for my future and my own family's future". I couldn't say that I was forced to take nursing though because it's already my third year. So yeah. Just releasing some tension in my heart at the moment.
Maybe next time you'll be a reality.
The pic above is one of the last remnants of my artsy life back in high school.. Y.Y