
Showing posts from August, 2010

When Darkness Turns to Light, I want to be there

Recently. I'm guessing you all know, my country was the headlines of every newspaper in China and Hong Kong. Not only with in these two countries but probably a dozen more countries because of the hostage taking in Manila. Honestly I'm pissed, mad, and extremely disappointed to my very own Philippine National Police and SWAT team. I mean who can be proud?!?!?! WHO THE HELL WILL BE PROUD OF WHAT THEY'VE FREAKING DONE?!?!? IT'S JUST SO PLAIN SICKENING?!? and what happen next is much more disappointing. I'm not mad to the Chinese people who are sending and keep posting negative feelings about my country's government and police - they have the right to do so - they've been brutally hurt, but please do not generalize. Pls do not define our nation with the action of only few people. And to the Filipinos who are overreacting you're not really helping. Remember when a Filipino got a racial comment from people outside our country? We all get furious right? Im...

ZOMBIES, Procrastination, Airplanes and WongFu

I've manage to put this here successfully  without even looking at.. OH SHOOT!!! WHYY?? BRAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIINNNNSSSS!!! Nope I'm not playing too much Plant vs Zombies lately but I have been dreaming about zombies for the whole week now. If you don't know, from all the monsters created by crazy people around the world, ZOMBIES are the one who got me running for my life. I mean, JUST LOOK AT THEM!! They are so undead! I just can't explain how much I'm scared of them.. @_@ So basically from what I remember my dreams always goes like this.

Cool Mathematics about Life

Famous Kids in School

This drama doesn't really only exist in movies, but in fact the reason why they make gazillion movies out of this theme, is because it does exist in gazillion schools all around the world. Even in your own school, I bet there are some famous kid inside your campus. This kind of interscholastic phenomenon dates back when kids started to realize that some kids around them are much better looking, much good at sports, much prettier, and much more dumber that what they are at the moment. Some kids aspire to be noticed by them, to be touched by them, to be a footstool of them and to be ONE of them. And there are some who wanna bring them down and some who are just chill with their existence. Many people want to be famous one day but clearly doesn't know why they want to become famous. Attention? Money? Fame? what more? I must admit I'm not one of the famous kids in school even back when I was in High School so I have no idea what pleasure to this kind of humans exp...

KPop and Culture Fest 2010

cr to KPOP and Culture Fest @facebook Last Sunday was one of the jjangest day of my life! Me along with my friends attended MY ( I dont know about them) first ever Kpop event. I'm a fan of Kpop but never really had time going to events like this coz usually the date of the events falls on my class days or hospital duty days so yeah.. no no for conventions like this. BUT enough of my bitter past with this events and let us move on to the KFEST 2010!! We were welcomed by these lines of people... It's not a K-con if there's no people waiting in packs more under the cut!!


YEAH!!!!! I just got our final schedule for our next hospital O.J.T. (On the Job Training) and guess what? I'm scheduled to be on a MENTAL HOSPITAL!!!! (throws confetti) I'm really excited about doing my duties over there really.. a few months ago.. but now.. erm.. idk.. ahhaha I dont know what brings the anxiety feeling to me but it really is scaring me really.. hahaha I'm not afraid of the mentally challenged people over there but the fact that I might do something wrong to them is what scares me... for sure the school gave us the amount of knowledge they can give us in dealing with the patients like NEVER EVER NEVER IN YOUR WHOLE STAY THERE ASK THE QUESTION "WHY?", NEVER EVER say this and say that and some thingymabobs.. coz it can affect the progress they're making for themselves.. I must be very conscious with the things that comes out of my mouth.. definitely an easy task really.. but you must also talk to REALLY REALLY talk to the...