When Darkness Turns to Light, I want to be there
Recently. I'm guessing you all know, my country was the headlines of every newspaper in China and Hong Kong. Not only with in these two countries but probably a dozen more countries because of the hostage taking in Manila. Honestly I'm pissed, mad, and extremely disappointed to my very own Philippine National Police and SWAT team. I mean who can be proud?!?!?! WHO THE HELL WILL BE PROUD OF WHAT THEY'VE FREAKING DONE?!?!? IT'S JUST SO PLAIN SICKENING?!? and what happen next is much more disappointing. I'm not mad to the Chinese people who are sending and keep posting negative feelings about my country's government and police - they have the right to do so - they've been brutally hurt, but please do not generalize. Pls do not define our nation with the action of only few people. And to the Filipinos who are overreacting you're not really helping. Remember when a Filipino got a racial comment from people outside our country? We all get furious right? Im...