Trapped in the Abyss

aaaaaaauuuugggghhhhhhh...... Here I am trapped in my school, doing nothing but waiting for my next class to come closer to my presence. This week is the "Sports Fest" week of our school and classes are always in the TBA state, where students go to school expecting a decent class to happen but eventually end up with a big disappointment. Stock up in the lobby.. I've been here for a couple of hours now listening to GD over and over again (GD's heartbreaker album is the only multimedia thingy on my phone today.). If you wanna jiggy ring tone, try making one from GD's Heartbreaker album.. haahha.. XD Wifi is so depressing... aside from being uberly slow.. it has lots of blockage from different sites! I cant even surf the net with ease.. =.= screw you wifi in the lobby!!! Thanks to Klein for the laptop.. it's quite being a very helpful source of boredom killer.. hahaha.. XD speaking of borrowed objects for the day,