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According to forecast of my one and only fortune teller; the Calendar, there will be a bright week ahead of me. She said.
"As of now Mico, there are no impending anomalies on your regular day routine AT the moment this week. There might be paper works but that is due to your free service for the community because of school, not to mention few quizzes. But all in all I can see that this week is free."YEEEEEEYYYYY!!!.. Last week was not that toxic really but there are few things that needs to be done quickly so I was out almost all the time on the internet world (except facebook and twitter bcoz I can visit them through my iTouch).
Last Monday, we had a seminar about another review center for our board exam, as usual the review center discuss a topic from our course to give us a preview on how they review students in their center and afterwards; the marketing - FREE FOODS! yeah baby!! they gave away free foods!! unfortunately I don't eat lumpia, which is the only food they gave out.. pppffffftttt...
Tuesday and Wednesday, I had a duty in C.M.C. (Cavite Medical Center) and it is my last two days there, actually my duty over there is 6 days but my first 3 days of duty I was in our house, on my bed, sleeping and cannot breath because of my allergies. Allergies = rashes and difficulty of breathing. Unfortunate me.. tsk tsk tsk.. and I have a big hunch that I need to repeat my duty there since my school require students to have a definite day of duty days and I think I need to complete that.
Thursday! My unfortunate day! It was my lecture day so I was happily listening to my professor. When we had our break me and my friends went to a photocopying shop to photocopy some lectures and then the STUPIDITY happened. I sprained my heel, my left heel/foot on a gutter. IT HURTS!!(obviously).
I heard my foot crack like twisting a plastic water bottle! MAN!!! at first it was just "It cracked!" then "Nah nah I can walk.... or not" after a few walk "Man! This hurts! I cant walk straight!" and luckily my friends are there with me to assist me with my agony over my foot. Thanks Jo and Panii...
I had no time to check my foot if there's a protruding bone(LOL) or something because I was in the middle of a somekinda shopping street so we went to the school's lobby. Thanks again to Jo and Panii.. hahaha.. XD
At the Lobby my professor saw me and my friends said that I had sprained my foot and you know what did she said?
"Go to the clinic. You paid for it. Use it. Hahaha!"Hahaha! YES! GREAT IDEA! LOL.. I originally planned to not to go to the clinic because I HATE GOING TO THE CLINIC even though I paid for it BUT this sprain thingy should not me overlooked my a noob like me so my friend pushed me to the clinic.
There, in the clinic was a cute nurse!!! YEAH MEN! she's cute! I thought our school nurse was a fat bald male nurse because I saw that kind of guy inside the clinic a few times before, well I think he already resigned. Anyways! It was a CUTE girl! She was like.
Then I slightly hop inside the clinic
"Ahm I kinda sprained my foot."
LOL.. there's no cuteness in there so yeah.. LOL
I insist to not put ice on it coz I have a lecture after the break and I need to go back to our room ASAP and she was like "Are you sure?" but in her face it was like "You idiot! You need ice so shut up!" but I sais yes I dont kinda need it at the moment. So she proceeded in putting the bandage around my foot and it looked like this:
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Perfection attained! |
Whenever you sprained yourself, immediately put an ice on it to stop the swelling and the pain. That's the first aid! So dont forget that!!
On the other news. I spent my whole Sunday flicking with my blog, so you can see now, that my blog has slightly changed from last time. What can you say about it? I wanna know. .. please please please!!! LOL.. How does it looks? Is it slow to load or something??
If everything is ok.. Minnie nuna!!! You're blog will be cowed!!! hahahaha.. XD
*sigh* I'm glad that I could always talk to YJ nuna at twitter hahaha.. XD the heck with our followers who does not want to see our chat on twitter.. LOL It's the only time that we could talk so yeah.. forgive us.. It's fun times.. dont worry nuna.. I can go on on MSN now.. hahahaha.. Now now.. speaking of my nunas.. where is Minnie nuna.. rarely see her though.. My only wish for her is for her to finally find a job.. I can sense that she's being frustrated with this job thingy that she's going through so GANBATENE Minnie nuna!!
Anyways.. thank you for reading.. ^^
Till next time.. ^^
On the other news. I spent my whole Sunday flicking with my blog, so you can see now, that my blog has slightly changed from last time. What can you say about it? I wanna know. .. please please please!!! LOL.. How does it looks? Is it slow to load or something??
If everything is ok.. Minnie nuna!!! You're blog will be cowed!!! hahahaha.. XD
*sigh* I'm glad that I could always talk to YJ nuna at twitter hahaha.. XD the heck with our followers who does not want to see our chat on twitter.. LOL It's the only time that we could talk so yeah.. forgive us.. It's fun times.. dont worry nuna.. I can go on on MSN now.. hahahaha.. Now now.. speaking of my nunas.. where is Minnie nuna.. rarely see her though.. My only wish for her is for her to finally find a job.. I can sense that she's being frustrated with this job thingy that she's going through so GANBATENE Minnie nuna!!
Anyways.. thank you for reading.. ^^
Till next time.. ^^