Night Shift, Paranoia and blogger

I maybe high sometimes and always do some all nighter with friends online but doing night shift is something different really. It's not just mere staying all night chatting or watching a movie together until the sun shine to your face; it's working all your body parts all night without even a rest even if you want to.

For the next 2 weeks (6 days, 3 days a week) my circadian rhythm will once again be shattered and messed up; night will be day and day will be night and all in between shall be as blur as a DSLR who had lost focused of it's subject.

Anyways doing this kind of shift is part of being in the field that I am at so I need to deal with it with pride and dignity! Not to mention I really do need to have some DR cases fast! I'm a little excited and nervous though, I think everytime I do something new both of them are in perfect harmony. LOL.

Have you ever felt the feeling that everybody is ganging up on you? Like you're in a strict surveillance, that every move you make is recorded and interpreted wrongly? Like everybody thinks that you're ganging up on them the same way you think that they're ganging up on you? Like everbody is saying things about you without even asking what really is it? Like they're jumping into conclusion without even a proven hypothesis?

I'm being paranoid am I? I don't know why but since last year I've been feeling this different aura lurking at our school, it's so different that it stinks. Unfortunately little did they know I could read minds... LOOLL..
Too bad.. I'm bad for them.. a few months more ok?

If you're an avid blogger at blogspot probably you've noticed blogspot has added a new setting for our blogs in here; the MOBILE TEMPLATE (beta).

You just need to go to your DASHBOARD, click on SETTINGS them EMAIL&MOBILE and click "Yes, On mobile devices, show the mobile version of my template"

This is what my blog looks like on mobile:
The coolest thing about this one is it doesn't really change your blog design when they convert it to the mobile template. You wont ever see your blog with tiny fonts and 'need to zoom' thing to read blog entries.

I wish if they released another version of this; they'll allow users to change the design of their mobile template so that users can have a personal feel whenever they try to access their blog online.

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