Bringing the Cross with Red!!
Last Monday my training under the Philippine Red Cross has started and it will end this Saturday. Actually the emergency/first aid training isn't new to me since we've already discuss a lot of them in the nursing subjects I've been studying for four years so the lecture time of our Rec Cross teachers has been cut coz it's very easy to discuss everything with us.
This is the time that knotting, folding, twisting, being neat and everything is needed; specially in bandaging. The good thing about this training is that we're kinda reviewing everything we've studied from the past and adding something more to it. I'm not saying I'm good in bandaging because a simple square knot is such a trouble to me back then. The fun part? EVERYTHING!! hahaha.. XD
I really do learn quickly when I'm actually doing the thing that I'm studying rather than just reading about it or discussing it inside a confined classroom area and this training is using all of our available body parts in learning.
The fun part is the bandaging & splinting coz you can tie each other to death while trying to figure out how to do the arm sling, and the PCH where you carry your partner or you victim around the campus with your own muscle or the muscle of ten elephants.
The down part? Muscle pain after.. but that's why there are pain relievers right?.. ^^
Anyways, I've already finished 2 days of the training and I still have 4 days to go and I need to catch up with the quiz coz I fail to take the 1st one coz I was late. =.= MAN!! I need to change every clock in my house right now!! or set them in advance.. or just wake up 6 hours before the time.. =.=
2 words!
I miss my Englands and Brunei