So yeah! I finally graduated after almost killing myself because of the ever so important thesis that I was working on. YEY for me!! And today I'm attending this review class for my NLE which will come this July which is also the reason why my anxiety level is fluctuating like mad.
Anyways! Since my laptop always distracts me from my reviewing, I thought that it'll be better if I'll just use it for reviewing instead. So from time to time when my lappy is on her distracting mode I'll type what I'm reviewing here. In that case I can help myself remember stuff more effectively and help you guys just in case you are interested in the topic that I'm reviewing.
So yeah first stop,
Defense Mechanism.
Defense Mechanism are methods of attempting to protect self and cope with emotionally painful things, basic drives, feeling or events according to Sigmund Freud. There are lots of em and here are some of my favorites:
- Compensation - you tend to overachieve at something that can over shadow your weakness or deficiencies.
No need to explain, You know her. Compensation! |
- Denial - failure to admit the reality of a situation.
Denial |
- Displacement - transferring of intense feeling to a person or an object less threatening that the person who triggered the emotion.
Displacement |
- Projection - unconsciously blaming others.
- Example: You're downloading 23 stuff over the internet and it gets slow
YOU: HEY!! Don't hug up all the internet! I'm downloading something here!!
(pointing at your sister who's facebooking at the corner with her iPod)
- Rationalization - Excusing own behavior to avoid guilt, responsibility, conflict, anxiety, or loss of self respect.
Rationalization |
- Reaction Formation - Acting the opposite of what you feel.
Reaction Formation |
- Regression - Moving back to a previous developmental stage to feel safe or have needs met.
Regression |
- Undoing - Exhibiting acceptable behavior to make up for a negative unacceptable behavior
Undoing. |