Poems from the Past

I just found this 2 scratch papers stuck in between the pages of my favorite book of Lemony Snicket's "Series of Unfortunate Events: The Wide Window". It was my scratch paper for my Literature Assignment back when I was in second year college. I find it funny and a little bit warm reading what I wrote there. Our assignment is to compose 2 poems for each of this theme: Faith, Family, Friends, Enemy, and Love. (click the theme to go the the poem page)

I know I'm not good in words and composing poems, but reading your own composition which you've lost for a long time ago gives you a different feeling of warmth and refreshment. I even laugh on some parts that didn't make any sense at all but I will treasure this poems even though they're lame and stuff coz they're part of my past that I can never touch again.

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